J. Ulric Walmsley

Leo's father, James Ulric Walmsley, was a gifted artist who spent the last
sixty years of his life in Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire, England.
His paintings of this area in oils and watercolours are now greatly
appreciated and much in demand.
Ulric was born in Liverpool and pursued his early career as an artist there before moving to Shipley in Yorkshire. He then moved to Robin Hood’s Bay in about 1894. At some point he studied in Newlyn, Cornwall, under Stanhope Forbes, who had a major influence on his developing style.
Ulric described Robin Hood's Bay as the most beautiful place he had ever
known and was confident that he could achieve his artistic aspirations there.

He finally realised his life ambition at the age of 93 when his portrait entitled "Grannie", completed half a century earlier, was accepted by the Royal Academy in London, England.

Robin Hood's Bay – 1905
This is one of the many watercolours which Ulric Walmsley painted of Robin Hood's Bay – this particular scene was painted in 1905. This view from the foreshore shows the tightly-packed houses clinging to the cliffs. The scene has changed somewhat since 1905 with the addition of large concrete sea-walls either side of the slip-way.

Robin Hood's Bay from the north
A 10 inch by 8 inch watercolour, this attractive view of Baytown from the north, with the headland of Ravenscar in the distance, is part of a private collection. Unfortunately the painting is not dated, but studies of Ulric's signature style suggest it is likely to be from about the 1920s.

South Shore, Robin Hood's Bay – 1905
(Watercolour) This painting is one of a series which was commissioned by Ruddocks of Lincoln for publication as postcards, which were widely sold in the Robin Hood's Bay area for many years during the early part of the 20th century. They are now very collectable items. The subject is a familiar view of the village from the cliff and includes cottages which have long since disappeared due to coastal erosion. The main road from the north once ran along here, before collapsing into the sea in 1780.

Ulric created six series of watercolour paintings to be produced as postcards for Ruddocks of Lincoln, and Henry Jenkinson of Leeds. All of these are shown in this book, available from the Society's online book shop.

Some examples of Ulric Walmsley's work on exhibitionin 2005.

The Ulric Walmsley Exhibition 2004, when original Ulric paintings – many from private collections – were brought together for display to the public.
Fylingdales Group of Artists
Ulric was a founder member of this Group, the subject of a display board housed in the Robin Hood's Bay Museum. It can also be seen HERE.

A rare example of a receipt signed by Ulric for items sold from his shop in 1897.
Film – Ulric Walmsley's Robin Hood's Bay
A film about James Ulric Walmsley of Robin Hood's Bay.
If you have a painting by J. Ulric Walmsley, please complete the